Infection Prevention

Focused on
Infection Prevention.

Nothing is more important than the health and safety of your patients. With this in mind, Olympus is committed to ensuring that you have access to trusted products, the benefits of partnerships that enhance patient safety, and education and support that empowers you to perform at your very best.


You depend on Olympus to deliver the tools, services, and information you need to provide the highest levels of quality and safety in patient care. To make sure that you have access to today’s newest advances in infection prevention, and remain empowered to make the most of them, we offer customized education and training programs, comprehensive service and repair programs, a wide-ranging support network, and the power of cutting-edge workflow connectivity.

Read alerts and statements regarding the proper use of cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization. LEARN MORE


With an extensive selection of educational programs for endoscopy, Olympus University is a convenient way for nurses, technicians, biomedical engineers, administrators and materials managers to further their knowledge.

CUSTOMER PORTAL houses the full library of training support, including: Reprocessing Videos, Visual Reprocessing Guides, Instruction Manuals, Reprocessing Manuals, In-service Guides and more.


Additional information related to the proper care of medical products.


Important information about Olympus duodenoscopes, including FAQs and customer letters.


Watch videos with instructions on how to clean your GI Endoscopes and Bronchoscopes.


Sign-up today to receive the latest news and information from Olympus about infection prevention.


Access relevant white papers written by Olympus infection prevention professionals.



Endoscope Visual Reprocessing Guide provides close-up videos which demonstrate specific techniques and steps during the endoscope reprocessing process.

Trusted Products

As Olympus continues to set new standards in endoscopy, we never lose sight of the importance of infection prevention. We deliver today’s most advanced imaging and therapeutic equipment while maximizing workflow and reducing the risk of infection—a unified approach to patient care and safety.

Commitment to patient safety is evident in every aspect of our approach.

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Partners in Prevention

Olympus collaborates with educational institutions, research facilities, government organizations, and medical societies around the world, a group of partners that helps us establish and maintain safety processes focused on infection prevention. Our internal R&D efforts make up additional invaluable infection prevention partnerships.

Partnering with Organizations

Carefully selected groups of partners help us establish and maintain safety processes focused on infection prevention. We know that effective infection prevention is not something we can do alone, and the organizations we partner with are as important to the safety of your patients as the products and processes that you know and trust. Collaboration is key to successful infection prevention.

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R&D Internal Efforts

Our own internal R&D efforts make up additional invaluable infection prevention partnerships. From initial product concept through testing and into product launch, infection prevention is a clear objective throughout the Olympus R&D process.

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People Empowered

To make sure that you have access to today’s newest advances in infection prevention, and remain empowered to make the most of them, Olympus offers customized education and training programs, comprehensive service and repair programs, a wide-ranging support network, and the power of cutting-edge workflow connectivity.

You depend on Olympus to deliver the tools, services, and information you need to provide the highest levels of quality and safety in patient care. To make sure that you have access to today’s newest advances in infection prevention, and remain empowered to make the most of them, we offer customized education and training programs, comprehensive service and repair programs, a wide-ranging support network, and the power of cutting-edge workflow connectivity.

Global Professional Education


Take full advantage of the diverse educational resources that Olympus has developed with your particular needs in mind.

Instructor-Led Education: Explore educational opportunities in your specialty that will provide training on the safe and effective use of Olympus technologies.

Medical Products and Solutions: Discover detailed information about medical products and solutions from Olympus.

Olympus Medical Education

Phone: 800-231-0016 Web:

From 2016 to 2018 Olympus trained over 6,800 HCPs on topics relating to infection prevention. Every year, Olympus Medical Education offers courses on subjects such as infection control, reducing the risk of cross-contamination related to reprocessing, repair reduction and best practices in the GI lab.

Live courses, webinars and certificate courses are offered throughout the United States, with face-to-face courses focused specifically on infection prevention in endoscopy. All courses are facilitated by qualified Olympus employees, and attendees earn continuing education credits.

Olympus Service

Phone: 800-401-1075 Web:

Olympus Service is uniquely positioned to help healthcare providers protect their investment in the industry’s best endoscope technology by extending the useful life of their endoscopes, maximizing procedural uptime, and enhancing clinical performance. By keeping all repairs with Olympus Service, you can be assured that repairs are regulated, and that all subsequent reprocessing is officially validated.

The benefits of Olympus Service don’t stop with equipment repair—our committed team of highly trained support specialists provides ongoing customer training, live technical support, a worry-free loaner system and a variety of education programs. Olympus Service support empowers you to do more.

Ongoing Support


To ensure that you are in tune with the newest innovations in infection prevention, Olympus provides you with access to the latest society guidelines and safety standards, and direct reprocessing instruction and assistance. We also share up-to-the-minute industry information, provide real-time alerts related to advances in infection prevention, and regularly publish customer notifications and whitepapers on timely infection prevention topics.

Patient Information

Colorectal cancer is one of the most detectable and treatable forms of cancer, and regular colorectal cancer screening tests can be very effective in reducing your risk.

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