EndoClot® SIS

Endoscopic Devices
Endoscopic Mucosal Resection
EndoClot® SIS
EndoClot Submucosal Injection Solution (SIS) is designed to provide a long-lasting mucosal lift with higher elevation and easy delivery. SIS approaches lifting differently by being composed of Absorbable Modified Polymers (AMP®) derived from plant starch particles.
Key Benefits
- Pronounced Elevation: SIS offers longer and higher lift compared to Eleview® submucosal injectable composition.
- Easier Dissection: SIS offers a high lift, which may create mucosal separation.
- Ease of Delivery: With a specifically designed spiral syringe, SIS can be delivered to the targeted area accurately.
- More Control over bleeding: SIS uses the same proprietary AMP particles as the EndoClot Powder Hemostatic System (PHS).
- Clean Pathology: SIS does not leave artifacts that may cause abnormalities during pathological investigations.
Data on file with Olympus as of 16/August/2022.
Use of a lifting agent during EMR/ESD/POEM and difficult polypectomy and the associated devices may result in patient injury, bleeding and/or perforation.
Product Support
No. |
Description |
SIS-15-01 |
EndoClot® Submucosal Injection System (0.5g AMP® powder & 1 syringe per unit), 5 units/box |
SIS-30-01 |
EndoClot® Submucosal Injection System (1g AMP® powder & 1 syringe per unit), 5 units/box |